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Trolley EP.1: Beginning Point | Kdrama Recap

Trolley Episode 1: Beginning Point | Kdrama Recap

Trolley Episode 1 recap: Hye-joo argues with her daughter after denying her a special opportunity. While a shocking news event causes the whole family to face a painful situation.

At the police station, around midnight on a heavy rainstorm night… Hye-joo (Kim Hyun-joo) came to report that her 14 year old daughter has gone missing. Her phone is turned off. The officer tells not to worry, as statistics show that most girls this age run away rather than being kidnapped. The officer then asks for the reason that Hye-joo thinks caused her daughter to run away. Hye-joo reflects back to the event earlier in the day when she had a disagreement with her daughter.

Trolley EP.1: Beginning Point | Kdrama Recap

13 hours ago

Hye-joo opened the book repair shop when a customer started chatting with her about her children. She told the customer that her son was 22 years old and her daughter was 14 years old.

Hye-joo is not a social person, but due to her close friend, she agreed to have lunch with the mothers’ group at her daughter’s school. However, as usual, when asked what her husband does for a living, she evasively replied that he has a regular job. In reality, her husband is a two-time member of the House of Representatives in South Korea.

Hye-joo’s daughter, who is in junior high school, is an excellent student. The mothers invited her daughter to join the university’s research paper competition with her friends. However, Hye-joo refused.

Throughout the day until evening, Hye-joo lived a low profile life. She dressed in a simple and ordinary way, chose to eat at small home-style restaurants, and shopped at small stores.

Hy-joo’s husband has been classified as a good politician. Today, Rep. Nam Joong-do (Park Hee-soon) held a press conference announcing his plans to eliminate illegal land profiteering by politicians and high-ranking government officials. He wants to make South Korea a clean country.

Joong-do tries to live by high moral standards as a politician and never uses his power for personal gain. Some people think it’s inappropriate that his wife never publicly supports him. But others say it’s an agreement they made before he entered politics.

On that evening, Hye-joo’s daughter came home upset that her mother wouldn’t let her go to Seoul University with friends. She even accused her mother of not understanding anything. Hye-joo tried to calm her down and explain why she couldn’t go, but it didn’t matter. When young people are prohibited from doing something. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, it’s not the reason they listen to.

“Why can’t I live like everyone else because of my dad… I’m not going, I won’t go, it’s over.” The 14-year-old daughter turned to her mother, slammed the door and locked herself in the room.”

Trolley EP.1

Searching for a missing daughter

That night, Hye-joo enters to her daughter’s room and shocks to find her missing. She immediately went to the police station to report. All they could do now was search for the missing teenager in places where they thought she might have gone. For the entire night, Hye-joo and her husband searched everywhere they could think of, but to no avail.

The next morning, Hye-joo begs her husband to use his political power to get the authorities to search for their missing daughter. At first, he resisted, but eventually he agreed. He received a call from the police chief and the search for the missing teenage daughter began.

The search continued until late that night, when there was a phone call from the authorities informing them that they had found the body of Nam Joon-ho, the 22-year-old son of Rep. Nam Joong-do, had been found by the Han River at 8:55 pm. The authorities also found 1 gram of methamphetamine in his shirt pocket.

The authorities also reported that there was a witness who saw Joon-ho alone at a nightclub in Gangnam a few hours before his death. And there were surveillance footage confirming this. In addition, there were no signs of injury or violence on the body. Leading the authorities to initially suspect that it was an accidental drowning due to intoxication or the effects of drugs.

The authorities question Hye-joo further . And found that Joon-ho had a history of alcohol abuse and had recently been in jail for assaulting. Hye-joo informs the police that she rented a room for him to stay alone.

Meanwhile, the young daughter returned home and explained that she had run away to get her parents to pay attention to her. Hye-joo hugged her daughter with tears of joy.

Trolley EP.1 Recap

Two weeks later, a young woman came to Hye-joo’s house and started banging on the door. Hye-joo opened the door and greeted her normally, but the young woman said calmly, “I’m pregnant with your son”

Image via SBS Korea
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