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Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 Recap: Beating Cult with a Cult - Kdrama

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 Recap: Beating Cult with a Cult – Kdrama

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 recap: Rainbow Taxi aims to destroy Ok Ju-man. Despite his lack of faith in religion, they plan to make it seem believable.

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 Recap - Kdrama

To undermine the heretical teachings and free the cult’s disciples, Do-gi and the Rainbow Taxi team plan to shake their faith in leader Ok Ju-man. Despite several attempts to scare him with ghosts, Ok Ju-man remains skeptical.

So Do-gi uses a different tactic. He poses as a medium, pretending to be Ok Ju-man’s mother, which wins him over.

Meanwhile, the team collects evidence of Ok Ju-man’s wrongdoing, such as clips of him admitting he’s an atheist and rewarding followers for deceiving converts.

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 screenshots - Kdrama

After revealing the evidence to the disciples, they realize they’ve been deceived and band together to stop Ok Ju-man. Finally, they return to their families and receive proper medical treatment.

Note: This episode is inspired by the real-life JMS cult (acronym of Jesus Morning Star) case in Korea.

Image via SBS Korea
Watch Taxi Driver 2 Episode 8 on VIU : click here