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Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 Recap: BLACK SUN Scandal - Kdrama

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 Recap: BLACK SUN Scandal – Kdrama

Previously on Taxi Driver 2: After surviving a car bomb blast, Do-gi faked his death to track down the person responsible. He discovered a link to a luxury club called BLACK SUN where he uncovered sexual abuse. However, he was wrongly accused by the police of molesting a female employee while defending himself against charges of vandalizing the club’s property.

Note: The story is inspired by the 2018-2019 ‘Burning Sun’ sex scandal in Seoul, which involved K-pop stars and the police. It is considered to be one of the most scandalous events in the KPOP industry.

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 recap: The police falsely arrest Do-gi for molesting a female employee. Luckily, journalists are breaking news about BLACK SUN, which proves Do-gi’s innocence. He is released and sets out to take down all the wrongdoers.

Lee Je-hoon

Reporter Kim Young-min testifies to the police that the person Do-gi had been helping on the rooftop of BLACK SUN club is innocent, leading to Do-gi’s release.

Lee Je-hoon and Shin Jae-ha

Do-gi receives valuable information from reporter Kim Young-min, which confirms that BLACK SUN club is not just an ordinary entertainment venue. With this new knowledge, Do-gi devises a plan to infiltrate the club once again. This time by posing as an employee. However, gaining access to the restricted areas of the club proves to be quite challenging. Just as Do-gi is struggling to navigate through the club, he unexpectedly encounters Ha-joon!

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 Kdrama Screenshots

The Playground of Evil

Do-gi skillfully uses the Cat’s Paw technique to dodge Ha-joon. Just then, a club employee picks up an unconscious woman, and Do-gi offers to drive. While en route, a speeding car crashes into the vehicle Do-gi is driving, and it turns out that the driver is none other than reporter Kim Young-min. The collision causes significant damage to both cars, and Kim Young-min urges Do-gi to hurry and take the woman to the hospital.

In the emergency room, reporter Kim Young-min reveals to Do-gi the reason behind his reckless driving. He states that someone drugged the young woman, putting her at risk of sexual assault. Soon after, the girl regains consciousness and tries to report the incident, but shockingly, the police end up arresting her for drug-related charges instead of helping her.

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 Kdrama Screenshots

Reporter Kim Young-min provides information to Do-gi. Revealing that he had shared suspicious news about BLACK SUN with Detective Choi, a trustworthy police officer, last year. It turns out that BLACK SUN is involved in drug trafficking. However, during the investigation, Detective Choi died under mysterious circumstances, and the authorities concluded that it was a suicide.

Reporter Kim Young-min finds it hard to believe that Detective Choi committed suicide and left his family behind. As he had no reason to take his own life. He suspects that someone silenced Choi for gaining information during the investigation into the drug trafficking at BLACK SUN Club. He has determined to uncover the truth behind Detective Choi’s death.

Later, The agency later fired reporter Kim Young-min for unknown reasons.

Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 Recap: BLACK SUN Scandal - Kdrama

Upon hearing the story from reporter Kim Young-min, the Rainbow Taxi team unanimously agrees to take on the case.

Image via SBS Korea
Watch Taxi Driver 2 Episode 12 on VIU : click here